What has happened to today's society Everything to be seen is sickening Hardly anyone is true to their word And friendship is considered absurd They're suppose to be there through thick and thin But all is thrown away when shown a little skin Where exposing bodies has been revered And it's morally acceptable to play smear the queer Seemingly betrayal is accepted more and more A grand fest of backstabbing galore It's better to be alone, where there's no deception Where truth can be found in a simple reflection
But the truth in others is as fake as can be Because the only truth is that there are only lies in this reality No one truly can appreciate all that is done Unless they're being mistreated; it is no longer fun Suppose friends lurk in the shadows plotting a sinister deed Implanting it unknowingly in our minds growing from an evil seed Many are trapped here wondering who to trust and who to not Getting lost in this ever lasting thought Spit in the face by an enemy or stabbed in the back by a friend Who should be trusted; what differences does it make in the end