We've lost count of the times That we've killed ourselves Become new Scorched Earth Laid a past to rest
We don't even have funerals for them anymore There are no emotions left to process We just light the match and let the flames infest The crevices
The ones those feelings used to attack
We've taken a break from the program And there aren't enough ones and zeroes In the whole ******* Universe To make us come back
The faces have all become pixelated Not one more important than the others They'll all pretend to be your Brothers Sisters, Mothers, Friends
And Lovers
But, you'll soon discover When the mist dissipates And the illusions are all torn asunder When the harsh scowl of Baal greets you With an absolute absence of color
That they were all none other Than the DevilsΒ Β You sought to destroy To purge from the Earth To banish to the Void
Reality is cold We decided it would be best to avoid it