There's the whisper of reasoning skies eyed for answers dripping down each pencil pointed at that pinnacle where the recent lecture sits awaiting dissection into assignments for next weeks five thousand word essays.
I marvel at this resilience to learn to stumble upon grand new theories of emerging technologies and the world beyond.
I ask some quiet questions what do you want to be?
Sadly most of them want to stalk Einstein without working for it Some want a ladder to the Fortune 500 others just want those two extra marks to climb over the paddock fence of education to a trench board, tassels and a degree a job and free airline tickets to strange destinations untraveled. Only one quiet girl (with braces and a beautiful smile) wants the assignment sheet. Others treat it like leprosy.
The day closes with her dream intact. She will rise with the dawn. Her brain sizzling with solutions hair unkempt her manners polished with progress.
I walk away each day humbled by the same mould that produces clones of Bill Gates. Always.