I sit at my window seal Watching the raindrops fall As people go by All in a rush Work, appointments, job searches Responsibilities, children, lovers Rushing emotions through their bodies They are all millions of miles away But nowhere near the place they should be The simplest of accusations May spin their mind so Till headaches distinguish their thoughts The way pills no longer employ
Have they forgotten how to fly? To stand still and look out into the world To enjoy the smell of summer after a storm To wear warm laundry in the winter To see the leaves change color in the fall To see life rebirth itself in spring And to reach up to the countless stars While our imagination would let us touch them Not in the way we touch our keyboards every day But in the special way that we touch once in a lifetime The way our souls intertwine with the Universe And the stars join us in our infinite journey Not as individuals but as drops in our gigantic ocean Pulling us in to clasp each other's hands And be a part of the circle of life