What has become of us We the people In the land of boundless opportunity We fail to help Those from whom these options Have been stolen.
We are a nation of sheep Who push oppression under the rug Who ignore internal injustice We put on a prosperous facade And when people dare to push boundaries To expose these crises We do everything we can To deter them
Just keep quiet And fit the mold we are designed for From the time we are infants. At the very second we take our first breath Our life is all about us And we are conditioned to believe That nothing else matters.
But what about them? What about the children Who's innocence has been taken By adults who should guide them?
What about the people All around the world Who are written off immediately Because of mental illness's talons?
What about the women Who are denied basic human rights Who were brutally attacked And blamed for it Solely because of the body they were born with?
We cannot leave them To fight against wolves by themselves And yet, Many of us turn the other way We don't want to hear about it Much less talk about it
So unless we choose to Stand up and extend an empathetic hand This nation of sheep Will morally crumble.