Four and a half children die Each day The statistics say
This is a terrible problem You say You urge your employees to listen To listen well To watch for the warning signs To prevent it Yes, please This is a problem Each day Four and a half children die Because of child abuse
What if I told you Your problem is bigger So much bigger Exponentially larger
Yes, I would argue That number needs to be Adjusted
More like Hundreds of thousands Of Children Die Each day
As they are Neglected When then they should be loved Verbally torn down When they should be built up Touched Where they shouldn't be touched They die Slowly, painfully They are Alienated Slowly, painfully They sink away Flipping inside out Caving in Only in their very depths Do they find anything Even remotely resembling Solace They are Confused They are Angry They are Alone
There is no one No one to talk to No one to trust
At some point Their senses cease to exist They stop tasting They stop smelling They stop seeing They stop hearing They stop
And everything goes Black and Numb
So they stumble Eyes closed Arms flailing Thrusting there head above the waves
Sure, they're still breathing But they're not Alive