the soil is baked hard and crusty, I dig in my toes but barely manage to scrape it. a dry wind like hot breath scours, soaking into every fingerprint formed in the landscape. I stand on a rock face some hundred feet above it, the arrid plain featureless allowing the eye to see endlessly til the edge of the planet rolls off into the horizon. the sky like a sentinal with stone clouds moving quickly, pounding their way along the glittering dome. for a moment one obscures the sun and I am bathed in shadows, the edges of which like torn paper against a bare lightbulb: blinding. I scream and my voice is absorbed by the dirt and rocks and smal tufts of wild grass which crinkle dry: the sound is hollow and seems to burst from somewhere that isnt me. here ambition is meaningless and humanity is dead ear and I am nothing and so are you.