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May 2014
I. My father taught me that
there’s always something better around the corner
if you just never stop looking
when he committed infidelity.

II. My mother taught me to take what makes me angry
and knock out its teeth
when she shoved my father off our front steps
and then had her fingerprints taken.

III. My grandmother taught me that someday
you will be able to forget the bad things that have happened
when Alzheimer’s rotted her mind
and we all became someone else to her.

IV. My grandfather taught me that
love does not get up and walk away
when the going gets tough,
when he picked my grandmother up off the floor
when she fell for the hundredth time.

V. My brother taught me
that forgetting is bliss
when he lived his life to the fullest,
without his past tied to his feet.

VI. If I teach people anything,
I want it to be
that you can get back up
and dust yourself off
no matter how badly you had been shoved onto that floor.
Peyton Scott
Written by
Peyton Scott  Canada
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