there was never any magic to finding my way to this place just another sleepless night restless longing to feel, pretend that I could belong
somewhere, at least for a time
to cast my words like fishing lines in hopes of catching some fragment of acceptance in a craft where I still fumbled stumbled, blind as any bat
fingers grouping harsh and frantic after words that plagued my mind jerking sleep back like a rug that used to lay so still and lifeless
leaving me flat on my back head spinning with so many verses titles for these names and faces places, places I have yet to see but still go seeking endlessly
scratching words through coffee shops, plane flights.. bus stops somber tones of concert halls rising higher
pitch matched only by these shaking hands still gripping pen and paper feverish with intent and desire to find their place where two worlds could meet
if only as a passing glance between two threads of a second where I could simply fall in place and know as artists do that I am not alone