I am found on page 7 of google if you search "poems that whisper i love you" but you never look past page 1. You found something that suited your taste buds on result #4 and never bothered to look further. page 2; google+Poems+that+whisper+i+love+you=error404.html page 3; please go on, but result number #5 was an interview of your favorite hockey team so page 4 never got a glance, page 5; four being overlooked, the images are screaming out your name of miscommunication and internet wrongdoing, page 6; one more page, and youll find what youve always been looking for, but a message came up saying "meet me at the coffee shop" and the tab was closed forever. I will never be found, and yet you'll never care to wonder what could have been if you would've just read page 7