You were my soul mate. And now that you're gone all I have is an empty soul
Broken dreams and the words of my heart have dried up producing only words about you.
I battle the darkness. Just not as hard as I should.
I would never actively seek death.
All I want is one star. One example one person who understands.
Crying, walking home tonight in 6 inch stilettos I looked through my phone trying to find someone to call. C was holding a baby cousin and couldn't understand. R was the reason. And S was with R. M was not answering. And you are dead. I realized that once I had so many friends. And now, I have none that understand. I
Am. Without you. Sick. And heart broken.
When will this madness cease. When will this pain not hurt so ******* bad.
Lonely I am. With out you. Please come back Or take me Either option works