I found myself rather regretfully royalty I was the only prince who loved lakes like licentious ladies loyally without question favoring the bodies long overdue with residue sounding this through soft interludes of chorus contorted to slither through forests
I’ve intensely investigated an inner identity that is immediately invaded Intrinsically it envelops the slopes of my sinking body a womb created Warmth and depth traveling the leagues of notches spiraling spines when the repetition sets like leaving eight minutes left I’ll call this skin mine
and of this, a mirrored radiation met my edges with great intention the waves of infinitely expelling time held my cells in detention radical rays of reason seasoned the sensational sensibility within me meticulously making messes of undefined cross-faded reality
I separated the sections of spaces between the places I’m unfamiliar to I comforted myself with resounding sighs of width washing away a ‘who’ but the width was not distance it was the cognitive dissonance of temporal restrictions