If my words could bring you back I'd tell the mirror that you've gone away to battle My noble prince will return (Though your best weapons were always cold words and cold shoulders)
I'd inscribe my name into the bindings of all your favorite books As though some part me could find some part of you in them
I'd yell at every pillow That couldn't manage to muffle my cries
Every song that sounded just too much like us
Every fairy tale that seemed mocked us in it's polarity (Dear, I wish I could've spun us in gold)
Every picture we took That now look too much like broken promises
I'd sweet talk the fridge Into making me feel worthy of more comfort food I guess you always said you like them "thick" After you told me I'd gotten rounder
I'd scribble ***** sick sorrys into the floorboards Serenading the floors you walked (I think they turned to water on your final gracing of them Because now I'm falling through)
I'd tell the fractures in these walls that you were the best filler The fractures in my chest the same
And maybe that's why when I see you I'm so choked up I gargle these words in my mouth But they fall into a silent drone And If my words could bring you back I still don't know that I could say a thing