If I don't belong why am I here? I don't belong So tell me Tell me why I am here But everyone doesn't see it They don't see that I don't belong My quietness hides it The way of my denyness The way of my self lies it's... It's self hatred, self harm Why did I lie when I stood naked in front of a mirror and said out loud and in my head five times that I am beautiful? I didn't believe one bit of every silable in that word Not for myself "Beautiful." This is a lie I could never take in Never believe in Never see even if others try showing me Imperfections Imperfections I don't want to be perfect I want to be someone else Someone who's more than me I want less and I want more I want less of me and more of someone else If only I was more If I was more I could do better Could be better Only Only I'm stuck with this This unbeautiful me An unbeautiful creature than everyone and no one sees *I am part of everyone and I am part of no one