Health teacher blindly reading off the slides of a powerpoint. "Don't Have *** Kids!" "Pregnancy" "STD's" "Abstinence" Perhaps if they took a break from the negativity. Perhaps if they stood back and realized that gasp preaching abstinence isn't the solution. The only reason for the "Pregnancy" "STD's" is that they don't teach us how to practice *** safely. They make no mention of Condoms Diaphragms Pills They tell you over and over again that if you have *** there will be children there will be *** there will be ******. They make no mention of anything other than the cis straight white vanilla *** they leave the ******* off of all the diagrams of vaginas out of fear that maybe a woman could gasp ******! Preposterous! They preach victim blaming. They tell the girls to stay sober to never put your drink down long pants turtlenecks Instead of teaching the boys to keep their erections in their pants. to treat women like humans that no means no she is not an object she did not "deserve it" she didn't owe you anything. Ignorance isn't bliss and Abstinence isn't safety.