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May 2014
I have no human desire to grow old
for the older the body grows the mind begins to realize the madness of the world we inhabit
it begins to recognize that the government we put our trust into
and have five year olds pledge their allegiance away to
is nothing more than a monster we created
it is a machine that brings about war
and brags of it's charity
when the only donations it gives
is more mothers with dead sons
and daughters with lost fathers.
it begins to understand that while the body is young it is infinite
indestructible and can push all boundaries
it is still free as the mind is
before it is corrupted by late night television and dictator industries
the only way to keep this freedom is to resist rebel and revolt
to burn the books of education
and praise the books our governing bodies ban from our reading
why ban literature? because it has the ability to allow society to realize what Allen jack and Neal all realized
that our lives are under our control and should not be imprisoned by authority that does not know not understand us
Written by
Collin Cummings  LaGrange, Georgia
(LaGrange, Georgia)   
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