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May 2014
I can hear the devil calling my name
he's begging me to come back home
I found him sitting in a crowded bar
and asked why he was drinking alone

i found peace under western stars
and I found rest
in a beat up car
we're waking up in apartments
next to people we barely know

the bottle is there for comfort
it's the only thing keeping me sane
on top of a mountain I'm smiling
as my skin is covered by rain

your body lays next to me.
you sleep while I wrestle with
my anxiety.
there's some nights where I'm afraid to sleep
for the fear you won't be there when I wake up.

our parents built this house with strength and faith
I tore it down with sin and *****
but just like everything else in my life
I will leave it behind.

I only know the open road
where the sun burns my skin
and the buzzards wait for me to fall.
I hold out a thumb
in hope for a ride
but humans just aren't human anymore.

I was beaten down and scarred
by the railroad guards and my lover.
the woman I said I'd die for
how true that statement is.
her gypsie eyes pulled me in
and never let me go.
she was all I had to live for,
her and the bottle.

a preacher once asked me,
why do you live like this?
I replied with a sigh,
shook my head and replied,
"it's all I've ever known."

"I'm in love with what kills me
and what drives me insane.
but if I didn't have those vices
I'd be just another grave."

bury me at sea
I don't deserve a funeral.
a boat filled with roses
as black as my heart.
all I ask to join me
in this voyage to the end
is a bottle of the finest whiskey
and a picture of her.

they'll watch me float away
but let no tears fall.
no one knew my pain
no one understood my madness.
for when death comes to find me
I'll greet him with a smile.

the bar lights are out
me and the devil sit alone.
we take a final shot
light a final smoke
and I pat him on the back
"I'm ready to come home."
Written by
Collin Cummings  LaGrange, Georgia
(LaGrange, Georgia)   
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