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May 2014
And has a belly so full of my
Vegetable stew with Swedish
Sausage she can barely keep
Her beautiful eyes open.
Heavy with a strange weekend
Behind her, and the road.
I feel bad for mostly eating and
Sleeping. More beer than water
(Showers included).
Mine was a lighter load
This time, princess.
I'd take yours in a heartbeat,
I'm tempted to say. But I stop
Myself atย your
Recent loss.

Now finish your cider. Pat
Wolfie good night.
I'll carry you to bed
Where all I expect
Is that you

We'll both be here
In the morning.
Tina'sย father's funeral was Friday, this weekend they went through his belongings.
SG Holter
Written by
SG Holter  Fenstad, Norway.
(Fenstad, Norway.)   
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