From pieces of woodsticks the tea seller makes a fire in the night of summer, people sip tea as they merrily talk politics.*
When rises the first star of night day flickers out in the earthen lamp shadows dance in the oil's light finds toil's pause a resting camp.
Wispy smokes fly from the kettle spout outside the long night awaits day sip the lips elixir of thirsty mouth claypot's brew finds anew demons to slay.
Fires fly as fireflies dance around stars find the earth below glowing hot words dry empty minds dims sound eyes crave for escape to dream's cot.
The last cup winds up the day's cash marks the night skylight in cricket clocks weary hands beneath a tree throw the ash time to count gathered amount in the tinbox.
Night then devours light's last post his feet walk the soil of his years' trail this lonesome hour he loves the most when his wishes with the winds to the heavens sail.