X-Men doesn’t make sense without you here to explain. Wolverine’s backstory is hard to ascertain. Geeking out without you just isn’t the same.
I don’t know what comics are worth reading. And the covers to these graphic novels are so misleading. I’m trying to expand my comic knowledge without you and not succeeding.
The Game Cube is just gathering dust. Two player to single player, trying to readjust. Playing multiplayer alone feels so unjust.
“I’ll see you soon.” You say. But I know that only means if you don’t work every day. I’ll just spend our time apart wishing you weren’t six hours away.
I’m sick of Facebook being the only way we communicate. And even though hearing your voice on the phone is great, I’m starting to wonder if it’s worth the wait.
I’m sorry if I’m getting hostile. Lately it’s been hard to smile. Sorry baby, it’s just been awhile.