A friend once asked me what my closet was like I paused and looked at him What was my closet like? Oh it was a lovely place Full of crushed dreams and self hate Maybe I'll take you there sometime What was my closet like? It was full of people's words People's judgement God Religion Hell Disease People stare like there is something wrong with me What was my closet like? It was a jail cell Where my individuality was suffocated by societies hands Wrapped around my neck Screaming at me to be normal What was my closet like? It was a small room in my parents house I ran there when their fighting became unbearable I'll just come out at a better time What was my closet like? It was a scary place Like the deeps of hell I tried to climb out But the devil had me ******* ******* by own fears If I get out people will hate me My friends and family will abandon me I will have nothing When this boy asked me what my closet was like I wanted to punch him As if my closet were an old friend who I hadn't seen in awhile Like I was supposed to list detail after detail of my life inside this cage Like it wasn't a big deal How can you be so blind My closet Killed everything inside me When I came out I was reborn What was my closet like? He asked I put my hand over his mouth so he couldn't talk That's what its like I said