I'm an old oak with thousands years of wisdom but i look at you and i see a fog a penny for your feelings hundreds and millions for your thoughts My trust is now living in exile i can shake their hands but i can't feel it's warmth fortunately you're my candle but my life has no fire alarm When you look away i have this feeling that you're looking beyond the pines talking to the horizon And i stare at those blue eyes cause if i blink it all may disappear in my mind moments are not like diamonds
I can't read your aura my mind is trapped in coma so i'm letting go of your hand cause it's dragging me to the deep blue sea Once in a lifetime, aurora leaving pages behind, colder i know exactly how i'm feeling, but do you feel the same way about me?
Riding lions without a saddle then i look down while i cross the earth i hear your words from someone else's mouth and yet it still feels like a rebirth I may never experience your savage anger or the sweet golden strings of your kindness someone will kidnap your youth when i see you again there will be more darkness We build relationships brick by brick but i'm the kind of person that uses wooden fences so i can slip away for a while They don't really know you, and neither do i, maybe i'll never will but it's alright to fantasize with a smile