It became an addiction with every one came another another blood stain in my diary Another pill to swallow to subdue the pain of the next, another flame against my still raw flesh racing myself toward the finish line of my own life embossing my skin with a map of moments Little pink scars like the pink of the sunset the pink in his eyes I never liked pink or brown but in his eyes they were perfect But when that pink changed colour Green when he's angry Orange when he is someone he's not supposed to be A burnt reminder that old habits don't die Merely reborn as another I used to burn myself, The smell of burning flesh still puts me on edge Relapse loses all meaning Maybe it'll welcome me back like an old friend That friend I never wanted But still managed to have Didn't notice I was slowly killing myself poisoned stomach with diet pills Losing ten pounds a week 75 pounds at 5 foot 2 and still fat 'You're petite that's a good thing' he told me Swallowing handful after handful A month of force feeding by my family and I realized he was wrong, all it took was a heart break it all started again an new addiction hand to scalp in my sleep tearing out bits of hair and you wonder why I cut it a year later I began biting bite by Bit by bit by bite taking myself away Because once again there was too much Always too much But somehow I've never been enough for anyone else