Daddy, you are the man who plays destiny loudly though fails so badly. That man doesn't improve at all, don't you agree? But, daddy, no one hates a bad performer. One just does not want to watch them any longer.
Daddy, destiny is a game over. And losing something is nothing until it's you who keep it very dearly who soon become the one who makes it evaporated. Daddy, daddy, destiny is I fall apart and you might too, or we both do.
Either way would hurt. But I know which is the more hurtful way. Either way may end the same. But I know which is the prettier way. The way that is full of rainbows and clear waterfalls and lakes with bunch of lotuses. I know how to fall apart more gracely, daddy, way more beautifully.
I know you have the chance to see it. You have what I don't.
And, daddy, do you know that love doesn't exist, never? I know you do.