Playing in the darkness I dance to the tune Watching the clock tic I listen to the tok Its strokes moves me The shine of the moon light my partner Its soft glow moving around me Never touching it I close my eyes and feel the cool breeze I inhale deeply as if it where my lover Its smells as the nights of summer My feet in the grass Swaying to the beat of my heart The stars shine over me as tho they where guiding me My skin touching the soft dew Shivering in the cold I move faster My heart beating fast Racing keeping me warm I spin in the between moon beams Almost perfect The shadows dancing with me as I glide A vale of dark moves in closer Fire fly dot the woods The chirps of crickets sing out Faster I turn Faster I move Leaves from the trees kicking up in a swirl around me Owls pear down watching my every step The echo off the rocks and trees are all I need The light of the night sky brightening the darkness Why be afraid of the dark when there is so much good in it Why hide from your own shadow when there is so much pleasure in it