******* at tickling the ivories, at inducing the jet buttons to chortle, say, in a concerto ; but I do strum and flirt with those amazing royal, 88 unrepentant loyal keys for Jupiter and Saturn, for Mars and Neptune, making a blank bland tune for extraterrestrial beings for fun.
On the cosmic moors the moon's whirling feet cease for my discordance. What a slurred entrance by F in D major!
Only a novice--an amateur. I'm no magnificent pianist, O majestic Mercury.
Summon the stars the search to lead for a supreme virtuoso, one of no incongruent ingenuity like this dilettante--a pseudo music polymath, counsels Thebe.
A Mozart, Beethoven, or Bach?
Any of the greats scored above, as well as geniuses like David and Handel.
Impressario fly! Flee thou away and go get a classic maven. Otherwise sleep there forever at Erebus, never dream of waking up in Eden.
Circuitous world stops: strings break off at the Earth's axis-- the Sun's panels pause
and darkness' movement begins its own obscure notes to improvise:
apace demented melody is released,-- bathos of symphony: tinny wine of concord settles on the lees of discord.
Asteroids hooting some ***** calls when into the grand chrysolite chamber-- in her tailor-made blistering gown-- strolls in the coruscating Venus in the sturdy arm of jaundiced Uranus, garbed in his glistening stomacher.
Like a ball, all eyes are bouncing hither and thither, up and down,
googling and ogling, once more at them leering,
gaping at the irreplaceable paintings of da Vinci, Picasso, and Van Gogh cavorting upon the weightless walls
to the romantic performance of Strauss in the palace orchestral of Bacchus. HB