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Apr 2014
Sickening and ******
This is the life and love I Chose?
-no , not chose , the one I got.
I was handed this was I not?
This love I have for men...

I was bullied on the playgrounds
Since I can remember.
Back then being gay was something
Entirely different then my mature mind now comprehends.
But even then I noticed it was
Something all mankind resents.

I guess deep down Ill always love
Women. What's not to love.
But turning a blind eye won't help
, love is blind anyway
Or so they say...
I geuss this means I must be gay.

But will I recieve blessing ...
Or scorn from up above??
Dear God , is this morose
Or is this also love??
Pieter Andries Christiaan
Written by
Pieter Andries Christiaan  Bloemfontein
   Sam Luna
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