the animated man moves with languid effect against the scattered clouds of the sky far overhead he walks at a slow stumble on the oil stained pavement of suburban driveway 'this is where the light blue mustang was parked' he is carrying a stone carved into the shape of a head its mind leaning precarious over the edge of sanity you can taste its butterscotch candy laughter and its salt water taffy tears its face frozen in apocalypse of conflicting thought
he moves along the dirt road hemmed in by trees and wild growths the humidity so thick you swim rather than tread but the feral grin sewn into his face with her needle and threads is what moves her she adores its primal bloodletting a self contained self abuse machine
she leads the way down the dusty road to the clearing where night children gather to make celebrations to dark matter and the things it spawns her thighs tingle at the thought of dead flesh and feasts of the eyes filthy mind the images in her mind are never really clear to her just **** flesh rubbing cold things i am disturbed by her dark dream seek to flee on wings of night but fail as he arrives head in hand and pronounces logical rules for the slaughter this night has no end just the rest of fitful dreams