Touch the spoils of me Such few feel left kids in africa have a worse life then you so quitCRYING The verbal knives she throws into me Seemed to have bore all the fun away Why don't youLOVEme anymore she asks me in such a tone sending guilt through the hair on my toes meanwhile she denounces me at every corner this isNOTgood enough it never was good enough not even the straight As the hours I spent trying to make her happy again were never good enough you are soLAZYjust like your father those words have stinged my teeth and wrapped braces of anger around its not my fault I was born like him Chris what isWRONGwith you I cannot figure this out mom as to why im so different maybe i was born wrong god had chose me to live beyond understanding stop playing theVICTIMoh poor chris his life is terrible i grew up the victim of your disgrace and tears the victim is the only thing I know I am stop crying and be aMAN only existing knowing words of my failures none of my successes how else is a 15 year old supposed respond you don't have anyFRIENDS mom i had reinvented myself for you and yet you cannot even think of me I am just a terribleMOTHER no mom you are not terrible its all my fault