These curtains they fold These lights they shine And this microphone It echoes to eventually fade out I am abandoned to see the chipped wall paper Soft resonance substitutes yet My voice is still clenched Gave way as I beg for Some to tell me anything anyways, like it's my right "Speak for her. Encore, encore"
Shambles with bullies and rigs Fumbling to my chest I lose my breath to lose my balance
Oh these symbols they rain And this rain hits Swallowing us as we manage to Follow our feet and walk the walk where our hearts are spread out like A smock n Picasso or Poe
Troubled to dangle on Speak for her, encore, encore. Dripping a nuisance For my Father I am foreign to your tongue As I do not intend to spread misguided fortune in a sin I crumble in my lips speak for her. As I do not have substitutes Will you hear me either way.