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Apr 2014
This is what I learned over the years
There is no such thing as a hot dog doughnut
Doing it fast might be needed
Doing it right the first time is worth it
It will make you feel better
Never back down
There is nothing you cant do if you have the will to stick with it
Never take no for an answer
There is a better answer out there just got to find it
Nothing worth it was ever easy
If it seems like the easy ways.. its probably way
Your first reaction is often the right one.
You might be worn down but don't forget what you felt
You get knocked down
Get up and keep swinging, you can rest when your dead
Its not going to stop until you fix it
Don't sit there and wait for life be what you want.
There is a way back form almost any mistake
You just need to find where it went wrong and find your self
Battles are fast
Wars take time
Never let some one else tell you you can't have some thing
Who are they to decide.
Calm and planning are key
But remember some times you need to do it. Dive in
The day will come when it will be ok
Might not be today or tomorrow but it will come
If it hurts to do it... Don't
If it hurts after you did it undo it
Grass maybe greener on the other side
But you got grass under you now
There are no stupid questions
Only stupid people who don't want to learn
Learn as much as you can
The world is a more interesting place when you understand it
Be open to believe
But don't back on a belief
Trust others as far as you can throw them
Those you can put in orbit won't betray that trust
Love with your heart
Not with your junk.. it doesn't work like that
Work first
Play after, it makes the play all the more enjoyable
People come and go out of your life
A few are worth holding on to, don't loose them
Not every "friend" is a friend worth keeping
It's hard to see some times but they will show who they are sooner or later
Don't be afraid of loosing
Be afraid of not playing
Don't let love go
No matter how hard it is to hold on to
Love comes back.
Don't force it. Don't rush it. If it was love it just needs time
It's not always love.
God knows what it is but it's not love
If some one says "you would if you loved me" to get there way
Bash them up side the head. Love is not leverage
Every one deserves a second chance
No one deserves a third
If there going to leave for "not loving them" or giving them there way
Let them.. they would endure for you if it was
Take time out for little things
The big things are nice, but its the little things that get you there
Money is not easy to get
If some one is offering to give you a quick method don't take it
Its a trap
Or is it, don't get scared to find the truth
Money is nice but if you need to go through hell then its not worth it
Find some thing you love doing to make cash. Even if its less
Don't be afraid to shoot to high
Just know it takes time to get there
Leave home, grow up, be your own boss
Its Freedom and its sweet
Know when its not worth it.
It's not quitting. Its knowing when its not worth it
Rome was not built in a day. But it burned in one night.. and its not gone
You might loose things fast but you can recover even if its not easy
Love with your heart. Don't hold back even if its going to get broken
That box, is a trap of its own
Life is worth living
Do things your scared to do things.
When a choice to change some thing because you want it. say yes
Looking back after years and being able to say i did that is worth it
Let it go.
If some one hurt you and there is nothing you can do let it go
Rage is a fuel but it will burn you out. My heart is failing because of it. Find some thing better worth living for
When you find some thing worth living for.
Never let it go, its like loosing your life
Life is special, and it may seem hard
Never throw it away
Never put off tomorrow what you can do today
Tomorrow will have its own task for you to face
Go to school. Yeah it *****. Do it
School affects options later on in life, you can get there but its not easy
Take care of your body
You only get one and replacement parts are hard to come by
Brush your teeth
There harder to fix after there destroyed
Don't lie
It will catch up to you one day down the road
Make piece with your demons
There there because you let them be
Enjoying some thing is fine
Enjoying to self destruction is not worth it
Fight when you must
But don't look for it
Don't bet on seemingly random things
Good bets are done with math and facts
Dose not matter if there is a god or not
You should answer to your self for what you did
Don't fight back feeling
That little voice is there to help you
Don't be afraid to change for the better
and question your self
....maybe there is a hot dog doughnut
Written by
In the Dark
(In the Dark)
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