paradise's parking lot vast field of asphalt and lampposts empty in daylights hours... on its most distant edge where trees overhang and weeds have encroached in pavement's fissures the buick sits in shade and silence immersed in birds song and seabreeze
she sits on the hood her patchwork quilted hippy dress brightly shines in soft textures and scents beads and bracelets with bells on her ankle she is deep beauty in soft sand an agent of the souls better natures her form embraces the sunlight that escapes through the overhead canopy of leaves it dances on her skin like liberty's celebration like lovers entwined in passions kiss aftermath of lonesome song
a bird lands nearby and with loud cry speaks of the hot sand and threadbare grass with a hot voice describes the lush life it lives and its dreams of rivers of wind my pen has paused she is talking to me in such soft voice now asking if i am hungry we sit in the peaceful edge of paradise's parking lot where nature has stained manmade perfections with its vibrant life eating the salty butter bread sipping the **** wine and wait for my pen to find its words again waiting for the time to pass