I went to the desert to find grace I came back with burning sand in my clothes
I saw mirages of love I peered deeper focusing my vision I discovered a heart made of stone I went to the mountain to see my future The desolation bore singular abandonment I saw valleys, oceans and open plains Alas I could not see the Garden of Eden For the blazing sword of the archangel blinded my longing gaze I came back with stones in my shoes
I went to my diary seeking salvation from tribulation Distractions interrupted the reading I found dehydrated history in my genealogy Equilibrium was fleetingly grasped to be supplanted I was looking for manifestations through an empty window I came back with a world view in flux
My hunger drew me towards fields of abundance I came back malnourished The populace of the world had crowded me from the banquet table Sequestered even as I sought nourishment The music had stopped and there I stood with no place of identity. The horn of cornucopia lay broken at my feet I left stalked by hunger pains
I looked to the heavens for absolution The starlight irritated my gaze I left with tear doused eyes The heavens were mute The stars stared back vacuously Eye to eye with heaven I was unenlightened The constellations prescribed terse vacation of meaning No arcane discovery for the soul sought endeavor
What trekked to the desert came back to me diminished
Pragmatic nuance added immeasurably through subtraction.
Finding meaning in a world of distractions can be difficult sometimes.