Why am I always the one left alone? Just because I don't voice my every feeling, my every emotion That doesn't mean I don't have them So you walk away And you share your feelings with each other And I'll just sit here and die a little more on the inside Again Just because you haven't seen me cry That doesn't mean I'm not weak I am I'm weaker than I let on And I'm weaker than you would guess And I'm tired. Of. Being. Alone. But I won't cry Not in front of you, anyway I'll just sit here and die a little moreΒ Β on the inside Again There is a hunger in my stomach, yes But it is nothing compared to the one in my heart The hunger that eats away at my very soul and mind And begs for the touch of another For the attention of another But is refused time and time again So I wait And I sit here And I die a little more on the inside **Again