You captured my heart in the waking dawn of a warm summer morning. Gold flecks caught in your eyes, shimmering like pixies in the sun. Running through dewy patches of newly blossomed flowers, I felt newly blossomed too. Under trees and in between leaves, I found love in your body and soul, enchanting and enticing, Throwing my head back laughing at everything you said to me. And I saw it in your gypsy smile, That this wasn't to be forever, But I didn't mind. I laid in meadows of wildflowers and spelled your name out in petals, until the wind swept them up to some place far away. The taste on your lips like sweet nectar dripping onto my tongue, Your hands soft and gentle, caressing my face like a child. I unbox my nostalgia, piece by piece like little russian nesting dolls as I speak of you now, and consider you almost a dream, so long ago and so brief, It almost doesn't feel real to me anymore.