Once upon a time…by chance a common girl met a common boy after one night she told him that she knew knew what would happen: In a few weeks they'd be in love hopelessly and then as they grew together so would their love then they would get married
but thats not how this story ends
instead of growing together they grow apart they break up but still care for each other he tries to **** himself then buries himself in drugs
she feels like the life is ****** out of her then buries herself in solitude ignoring and spurning all attempts to help
months pass
she finds someone to desperate or too stupid to see she's still in love with someone else
Then once again they find themselves falling back in love but this time this time… everything is different
after burring themselves they have changed have built walls to cower behind
Neither of them see it He was the fuse lying in wait to be touched by her fire the only possible result was for everything to explode leaving nothing but ruins of memories, and confidences shared at the cost of two lives once intertwined