I'm writing this to tell you how happy I am With life And you And us
This has been a long time coming Since October at least I kept denying your advances I couldn't let you in At least not In that way
I never thought that pushing you away Was just causing you To come closer
All I wanted was for you to get rid of me Shut me out Hurt me Before I Could hurt you
And eventually, You did. Those were the longest three days Ever
I missed you A lot But that triple horror helped me to realize That you leaving my life Wasn't as easy As I pretended it would be
I missed talking to you About nothing We text, snap, converse all day Everyday about Nothing But that nothing means everything To me
You mean everything to me There, I said it. It's out there Not just trapped inside my brain anymore
You're allowed to know How I'm really feeling I'm glad I can finally tell you how I really feel
It's strange to think how important you've become In just a matter of months You've changed my life For the better
Who would have thought The crazy, weird, lanky But technically tall, dark and handsome Theater kid Would capture my heart?
I certainly never would have guessed But with your sugar-sweet words And effortless chivalry and Your crazy obsession with Nic Cage I found my National Treasure in the form of You
So, Ryan, Who knows where this will lead Or how long it will last All I know is that I'm really really Happy And a lot of that Is because of **You