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Apr 2014
Silence says more than speaking.
"I love you," she says, he lays beside her
She moves her fidgety feet (which are quite small
compared to his) and wraps them around his,
sliding down his ankles with her cold toes
Interlocking calves like seaweed
wrapped into an underwater tumbleweed.
feeling the warmth
of the life she shares this moment with..
It is happening
And all she can think is
Does he see the beauty in this encounter?
Or does he filter with black and white corneas..
blind, with a lack of direction, complete ambivalence?

Some use words as a way of acceptance
Instead of the internal gateway the words should create
A path to a place of purity and understanding
They transform the vocal into a middle man
starting low, skipping the heart and exploding
Like lava from a volcano;

A hot and heavy start
Ends with a broken heart
Friends and friends again
Time should tell you when.
Samantha Elizabeth
Written by
Samantha Elizabeth  26/F/Upstate New York
(26/F/Upstate New York)   
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