apathetic her eyes glued to the autumn door leaves gathered there rustle like dry skin feel the memory of hands cold and dry smell the christmas ornaments and cookies the knowledge hidden never really known only hinted that knowledge has eyes that watch has a mouth that silently recites each footstep each tenfold lie
apathetic the spurned take root in shadow and there delve ever deeper into the dark hand its ever present fingers prying at the minds cavities seeking that wet meat stench and the apathetic eyes shudder and turn away you cannot bear this alone speak to me but small gestures don't suffice apathetic eyes locked away behind silent white doors muted by the sound of autumn leaves rustling in the doorway like old dry skin
she shudders and a sound like fear escapes her dry lips standing she turns to leave but finds the plain white door barring her way its ornate handle defies her she collapses to the window where she watches mutely fall leaves dance in cold wind scraping on the wet pavement with a sound of horror's christmas approaches once more an old man in the cold of night brimming with terrifying cheer his blood red suit his sack of corpses