I lay, love and dream within the belly of the beast inches from the edge the deadly sting of denial keeps me close, frozen and still barely breathing I pretend it's fine I'm fine, everything's just fine sleeping near it's slithering heart the booms and beats keep me awake and aware he will be up soon, and hungry
He gets angry restless and agitated I use the hate to keep warm pull it close and lose myself in sticky sin If I stay calm, if I weather the storm stay still, unseen I'll be safe, he won't notice me at all
When his mouth opens, and his throat clears I can just barely see the sun smell the fresh air that swirls around his snout, ***** and decaying one day he'll sleep and forget to press his lips back together, so tightly and that's when I'll make my break escape into the sea and never been seen again that's when freedom will come.