As sweet carols float throughout the wind. Sipping sweat tea, honey bees buzzing to obtain their nectar. We look up and ****** our bodies to the sun ******* up every aura and rays upon our skin.
The raspy sound of chalk pressed against the ground The sound of children laughing in the distant. In this instant you look around, and smile for time is at a standstill.
For now, we enjoy each other’s company. Dripping heated therapy upon your back. Minted leaves, honey scented incense burning in the distant. Marvin Gaye, press play, pause, and repeat. The melody and the beat Just stop and listen, for your eyes my dear seem to glisten With ever word I seem to speak.
Now this is an except of my Utopia, my alternate reality. My dear, if I’m ever so distant close your eyes and dream. For the person that’ll always be there waiting is me.