The scorching season pulls its shades down in blinding light, raising temperatures like tantrums. Uncontrolled desire for iced drinks and sunhats, brown skinned beauty unfolds in flowered dresses seeking attention in round bottomed, figure hugging comfort.
Soon the sun will slow its brazenness and give away to autumns roll with splendid colours and shapes wilting and withering landscapes that lay blankets of brown views for winters rapid descent to claim the earth for its own cold attitude.
Like this, the three seasons challenge each other for attention. Overlapping transitions from one to the other.
But spring returns, bursting with bud and green fingers, pulling the heart of the resting root into a warm embrace and showing off its many coloured array of flowers and fruit and fantasy.
No matter how you look at this seasonal change there is an arrangement between themselves that moods must change and accept that creation and mind and matter are all intertwined inextricably.