The lamplight is dimly lit. here am i, shoving panda express into the dark cavern called my mouth where the stalactites and stalagmites dance together and apart it's a bit tangier than usual my taste-buds concur the rice is lukewarm and falls off my fork paperwork due tomorrow SAT prep projects my future and all i want to do is write poetry 7:18 pm and i sit, writing poetry for me writing is breathing air and sometimes i hold my breath for days at a time i cannot be a hermit i must have interaction though i want to be alone far away where even beethoven's fifth symphony wouldn't drown out the noise he laughs at me who? who are they that mock me? beethoven shakespeare poe conan doyle even charles dodgson finds me funny "so you want to be a writer?" they boom, and suddenly i am as small as dust "YOU a FEMALE WRITER and MUSIC LOVER? ha! i never heard anything funnier!" and the voices mush into one and it softens to become the voice of my inner critic my nemesis my arch foe my ennui and that is only the 14th of April.