Short struggle to the floor, I sigh, your wrenched fingers clamped tightly around my pointed wrists Your convex caps join thigh to shin pressing mine through scorched earth slowing seconds grab my breath pushing further out, and drawing ever in.
Spasmodic jolts, kicks and flinches; failed punches, rattled writhing, wriggling under your smirking calm, this is second nature. Third wind I strike again with snake like prowess, your dead weight flipped but inches. Obey or suffer, your knee rolls, to my chest; laser precision, your other uncoils on the blackened dirt, ash and soil.
Flat footed battering ram to my ribs then throat, ever slower, ever heavier. The pain goes, the knife enters: over and over and under flesh ripping, torn skin.
I pity not the wondering victim who trips on my carcass. Face first, horrified glance towards the sign that reads: Beware trespassers, out here nobody hears your screams.