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Apr 2014
I am trapped
In one emotion

I am not allowed to feel anything else
I will be punished
My rights stripped away

Let me feel without the punishment
Let me be mad
Let me be sad
Let me feel betrayed

You need to hear my side of the story
You need to let me speak my peace
You need to listen for once
You need to see past the smile to the frown

Just once see through me
See the things I am too scared to share

I need to express myself
I can no longer be happy all the time
I need to show who I really am

I am a person who hurts
I am a person who cries
I am a person who yells

But also allow me to show you my pure joy

Don’t judge me when I dance
Or sing
Or tell a joke

Don’t judge me when I laugh
Or smile at stupid things

Just let me be who I am
Let me be me
Claire Hannah
Written by
Claire Hannah  Indiana
   Pushing Daisies
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