I’ve had all my affections poured out over pink skirts as well as pale eyes. It’s easy to find that pogo sticks and pacifiers can’t get a childhood off the ground; where she stood smiling. Over coats and undercuts are all to cover something. Replace your teeth with gold and when they don’t feel like yours anymore Then you’ll know. Your tongue is bronze now. Plaster’s coming off like a shuffle board land slide All around this cage they keep us dogs In, When we bite; its because there isn’t any tongue clicking Or word bashing left to do. The sun has found me, I see it through slotted bars, and the clouds are in just as much hell as I am. I see them with belly full to eyes full of wine. I’ve been too long in burning this bridge. It’s the buckets full , waiting to quench tinder. It’s that I’ve drunken everything, Flammable for miles. Lock jaw and bite. Bite down on the trusses. Bite down and curse god. He’ll understand all Your tongues, and spastic fingers. She says that I puke passion, that these trees don’t grow in vain, that fruit is god awful imagery, And that I have to train every limb so they can beat the stop signs with their falling pines.