The words used to describe you Don't matter to me I know who you are I know where you're from I know what you're like. These people don't know you like me They haven't obsessed themselves to you, In other words, I know you better Inside and out.
Inside You're beautiful You're a caring friend You're a friendly person You look out for other people You love to sing You love your family You love your friends
Outside You're beautiful Your face is soft, begging to be held Your eyes, gentle and inviting Your lips are smooth, caressing Your body is perfect; Healthy, and gorgeous
Which one of these descriptions Fits the name you wear? None of them Reflect the opinion of the describers.
So don't be sad And don't me mad Just let ignorant people be They want you to be a certain way It's up to you to prove them wrong
I'm here for you I always will be I'll be your armor When these sticks and stones are thrown at you And I'll be your slingshot When you fire back And I'll be your hammock, and teddy bear When the world's too much and you need to cuddle I won't let you face it alone I love you
Sticks and stones May break my bones But names will never hurt me