Walked into the bathroom, expecting to see the room crammed with girls screeching, smiling at me, checking their foundation and wondering why hasn't he flirted with me yet? Instead, all that's left is the ten posters taped on the wall with stock photos of black skirts telling me the difference between wrong or long. Yeah, there are no more mornings of waking up to the sound of A Capella hymns and kids I've never met laughing at things I've never said before no more 5 'o clock practices full of winces, trips, laughing, sweating, and thinking no more 7:30 pm concerts where my heart bounces around like a dead animal no control left, and I'm running in the halls wearing black and white, but thinking gray no more taco bell runs right after, when I'm getting cinnamon sugar on my skirt and counting measures in my head. And certainly no more days of just sitting on the bleachers my head and heart too full of sputters of laughter to worry about whether my melody is correct.