I Live on the Mountain, Where the Clouds CARESS the Hillside ! ! And,You live in the Valley, near the Stream on this side. Every Morning when the Sun comes up, I LOOK down at the Shadows in the Valley, Hoping I'll see YOU My Love ! ! Hoping one day You'll come to my Mountain, come sit by my side where the Clouds CARESS the Hillside. Even though I Live on the Mountain and YOU live in the Valley, WORLDS APART, yet ever so near ! You've given Me a World, You've given me a Kingdom. Now the SUN is setting and I feel the falling Dew. I Look down from my World, Seeking to see YOU in the Valley. But to my dismay, not even a Misty shadow of YOU do I see. Why is this Tear forming in my eye ? As I hear gentle rustling of Leaves , I turn slowly, sadly__BEHOLD ! ! YOU HAVE COME FROM THE VALLEY and now stand by my side ! BUT NOW- WE live on the Mountain. SO as I look at the Valley my dreams and hopes of You have become so ever True.