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Apr 2014
My peppermint days are over now
The sun now sour shines
Ridiculous voices sing a different sky
And I hide behind horoscope signs.

My sandy beaches are lime outside
They cry like flowing wine
Absurd news is static in my grief
Locked in a cage of time

My peppermint days are memories now
The light years closed away
For any story told by children
There is a lonely prayer to say.

My peppermints I'll share with you
If I thought thay'd catch your vision
But you can only judge reality
As if it were spoken out for you to listen
First verse difference of the amount of syllables from first line to second then to third and last being the same. Second verse 5 syllable break from 1st to second and third to fourth. Third verse just 4 lines with different amounts of syllables in each. Last verse 9syll-6.
Cliffy Buglione
Written by
Cliffy Buglione  north london
(north london)   
     Daylight 4U2C, irinia and ---
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